The fourth stage of the Cammino dei Sette Laghi, which is the longest of those on the route, winds in its first stretch in the Valle di Cavedine and subsequently on the valley floor of the Valle dei Laghi, crossing a great variety of landscape and environmental situations. From Cavedine the route winds gently through the countryside of the valley floor, passing quiet villages, until it reaches Drena, looked down on from its ancient castle. From here, the path steeply descends the slope until it reaches the Dro area, an important town that can be reached along the cycle/pedestrian path. In Dro the Camino reverses its direction, heading north; with dirt roads immersed in woods and countryside you arrive at the historic hydroelectric power station of Fies and then at the Marocche di Dro, an impressive hilly area made up of a gigantic accumulation of landslide boulders. The route through the Marocche di Dro, an important protected natural area, follows stony paths immersed in a very particular vegetal landscape, made up of plants resistant to the marked aridity of the soil. The stage continues along the shores of the enchanting Lake Cavedine and then among the deciduous and pine forests of Gaggio, then reaching the countryside of Pietramurata, a town which is the destination of the stage.
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This part is quite long; for those who want, there are two variants recommended, which bypass the Dro area and reconnect with the route of the Camino further north. Both variants start from the point where the path that descends from Drena reaches the main valley floor, on the southern edge of the Marocche di Dro. The first variant crosses the Marocche di Dro from south to north up to Lake Cavedine using the well-marked Marocche educational path. The second variant instead goes up the valley along the left bank of the Sarca along the cycle/pedestrian path, up to the Fies hydroelectric power station, where it reconnects to the route of the Camino.