1° Stage: Sarche - Monte Terlago
The initial stage of the Cammino dei Sette Laghi leads from Sarche to Monte Terlago, climbing the northernmost stretch of the Valle dei Laghi. In the first part, the landscape is dominated by the picturesque presence of the lakes of Toblino and S. Mammina; along the route you come closer and closer to the very steep mountain slopes of Monte Gazza, Canfedin and Paganella, culminating in impressive rock walls. Along the journey the environment is very diversified and shows itself as a rich mosaic of lake surfaces, vineyards and fields, broad-leaved and coniferous forests, hay meadows and much more. The territory is hilly, very beneficial for agriculture, which is abundant with small particular towns including Sarche, S. Mammina, Fraveggio, Lon, Ciago, Covelo and Monte Terlago. These settlements are of very ancient origin and share with the surrounding a great wealth of historical, architectural and artistic background.
Data & Info

The stage, of medium length, leaves time for a highly recommended visit to the inhabited centers located along the route, small but rich in historical, artistic and architectural testimonies