> Enoturismo > Alternative paths to the path to know the Territory > Trekking > Visit to the Castles
Wine Tourism, ‘Enoturismo’, is about visiting the vineyards and cellars, learning about cultivation and production tools, tasting and purchasing the wine produced on the farm, participating in demonstration and educational activities linked to wine production, learning about wine directly in the place of production.
In Valle dei Laghi there are numerous wineries, many of which are organic, which produce white and red wines, including native ones.
One of these is Nosiola, a historic and native vine. The etymology of this wine dates back to the Celtic era, with a clear reference to hazelnut and with a history that has its roots in the 16th century, during the ‘Council of Trento’, in which this product was always present on tables and during banquets .
Nosiola is a different grape also due to its organoleptic characteristics, already visible in the color of the shoots and evident in the aroma that the wines produced with this grape take on. From its drying comes Vino Santo, a recognized Slow Food presidium.
Vino Santo Trentino is not only the trace of an ancient rural history, but represents a founding element of the identity of a community that has never stopped looking forward, while remaining solidly anchored to its traditions. The characteristics of this wine are absolutely unique, and are inseparably linked to the characteristics of the territory in which it is born.
The cellars of the Vino Santo Trentino D.o.c. Winemakers Association are the following and one can contact them to schedule a visit with tasting of their products:
In 2018 the ‘Casa Caveau del Vino Santo Trentino’ was born, a wine Museum which offers the possibility of an immersive experience that allows one to meet and learn about the peculiarities of the Vino Santo Trentino Doc, between sweetness and balance, history and charm.
LE MAROCCHE DI DRO - archaeological route
It is a large and sunny expanse of stones (‘mar’ in the local dialect) located in the municipality of Dro and which gives rise to a truly particular landscape, of post-glacial origin, therefore approximately 200,000 years ago. During the phases of retreat of the glaciers, as a result of the easing of the pressure on the mountain sides, three large landslides composed of rocky debris fell to the valley floor which were disintegrated and shaped over time by the action of atmospheric agents, giving rise to what we see today.
In ancient times, dinosaurs lived in this area of the Sarca Valley, as evidenced by the fossil traces of two dinosaurs, found in 2000 in the Marocche di Dro area. Furthermore, in 2007, on Mount Angione above, fossil footprints were found, with tracks up to 50 meters long, left by three-toed dinosaurs from around 190 million years ago.
Vezzano glacial wells
The discovery of the glacial wells in the Vezzano area was completely accidental. There are traces of such elements already in some writings from the late 19th century. It is possible to follow a route that starts from the town of Vezzano, taking via Stoppani (south of via Roma) until reaching Lusan near the Valle dei Laghi theatre. The path is divided into two sections marked by arrows and explanatory tables.
Along this path, which from the center of the town winds through the woods for about 2 kilometres, chapter after chapter, one will discover the history and origins of this “mountain community” whose protagonist was a courageous countess: Cubitosa d’Arco.
Her story, in fact, is a story that is intertwined with our mountains, with kindness and good deeds.
Starting from the introductory panel, near the square of the church of S. Biagio, the path runs through the most evocative streets and places of the historic center of Vigo Cavedine, following the chapters of the story of the brave countess. After passing the last houses to the south-east of the town, the road becomes increasingly steeper and gradually climbs towards the woods towards Malga Pian where the last chapter of the story is presented, evident in the fresco of the small house surrounded by a large lawn and by centuries-old chestnut trees, a symbolic place called Vicini Donego.
Until 1957 the daring Scal path connected the valley floor (Toblino) with the Margone terrace. The village of Margone was founded towards the end of 1400 by a family from Molveno who had obtained the places in perpetual lease from the bishop of Trento Udalrico to build a farm. Legend has it that the Margone terrace was colonized by shepherds who came from Tesino, and to confirm this thesis there is a great diffusion of the widespread Tasin (Tesino). At the end of the 19th century the town was almost destroyed by an uncontrollable fire due to the lack of water, which caused many victims. The Glorenza authorities wanted to rebuild the town at the bottom of the valley, but the resistance of the inhabitants eventually prevailed and Margone rose again in its place.
The isolated village of Ranzo is located on a sort of plateau suspended above the Limarò gorge and the Valle dei Laghi, in a sunny, pleasant and solitary place. The isolation that has characterized the village for centuries ended only in 1957 thanks to the construction of the road connecting it with the valley floor which cuts cleanly through the steep limestone walls hanging above Vezzano.
The start of the path that leads from Toblino to Ranzo (the route is part of one of the stages of the Cammino San Vili) is right in front the all known Castel Toblino.
The itinerary is easy, 3 km long. Once one reaches the town of Ranzo, one can
visit the village and then continue to Lake Nembia, taking the forest road for approximately 2 hours towards Malga ‘Bael’ arriving later to the lake. Anyone wishing to continue further can also reach Lake Molveno enjoying the view of the dizzying walls of the Brenta Dolomites.
To return to Ranzo one can follow the itinerary in the opposite direction or go through the town of Deggia on a path overlooking river Sarca.
Castel Toblino
Castel Toblino is one of the most famous and romantic castles in Trentino, a fairy and mysterious place. It owes its fame to its singular position, the beautiful surrounding environment and the numerous legends that have contributed to increasing its charm. From an ancient pagan temple to the residence of the prince bishops, Castel Toblino has its roots in the history of the Valle dei Laghi.
Castel Drena
Castel Drena Set in an extraordinary geological setting, the Drena castle preserves all the main elements of a medieval fortress, strategically positioned on the top of a rocky hill that dominates the territory north of the Alto Garda basin. The last owners of the castle were, after a long dispute, the counts of Arco until 1703, the year in which the passage of French troops under the command of the Duke of Vendôme into Trentino led to the destruction of the manor.