Cammino dei Sette Laghi

Poetry is rhythm.
When one is on the road,
one becomes poetry.


Europe was born as a Pilgrim“, Goethe said, expressing the precise awareness that there would be no Europe without the great paths of the pilgrims, without the countless people who moved on foot, uniting with their steps what often borders divided. 

In a world that is now developing really fast, between commitments to complete, duties to be respected and goals to achieve, facing a new Path is a way to get out of this centrifuge slowing down the rhythm and reconnecting to the most authentic part of oneself, too often silenced by the noise of everyday life. It is a vital break, an adventure to experience, a journey to live. Walking helps to learn, develops social relations skills, generates connections, interacts within the space you cross. 

The ‘Seven Lakes Trail’ was born within the ‘Biodistretto’ of the ‘Valle dei Laghi’, which by definition is an area in which organic farming becomes the hub of rural development. Here we promote the virtuous experiences of production, consumption and management of the territory put together so that they can contaminate each other to achieve together a full development of economic, social and cultural potentials. 


The project is part of the territory of the ‘Valle dei Laghi’, one of the most fascinating valley in Trentino. Through here one can discover the charm of silence, among vineyards and oak woods, ancient walls and breathtaking landscapes. In a path that will lead to an immersion in unexplored corners of nature, which still knows how to be untouched and always new to discover, at a slow pace and opening each of every sense to wonder. 


The Seven Lakes are united by this Walk, in a loop of about 80 kilometres, which winds along the slopes of the mountain ranges, along the banks of river Sarca and between mule tracks and paths that retain signs of a past that should not be forgotten. 


The Walk is divided into five stages of as many days, which will lead along the seven enchanting alpine lakes of this territory. A journey that combines nature and culture among vineyards, ancient villages, churches, medieval castles and roman streets. 




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